Make sure your transmitter is powered on
Make sure your receiver is powered on. Depending on the model you have to power up your quad and usb power is not enough to power the receiver.
Make sure your transmitter is bound to your receiver.
Check that the output map of your receiver matches your desired link protocol and wiring.
Check the wiring on your FC. For this look up a pinout of your receiver and FC. Make sure RX and TX are crossed. So receiver RX –> FC TX and receiver TX –> FC TX. Also remember the UART number of this port.
Go into the ports tab in the Betaflight Configurator and make sure you select “Serial RX” on the port you solderd your RX on.
To check connection go to the “Receiver Tab” in Betaflight configurator and see if the bars move with your input.
Make sure to select the correct Receiver Mode and Serial Receiver Provider for your receiver. Most new receivers use Serial and CRSF.